June 19, 2011
For the longest time, kumquats were nothing to me but a funny word. Turns out, they’re about as bonkers as their name! Kumquats are a citrus fruit, but they’re itty bitty, bite-sized things. And unlike most citrus fruit, the peel is sweet and the flesh is tart. You eat them unpeeled, rind and all, […]
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March 12, 2011
When I’m craving warm, satisfying comfort food, “slowly braised short ribs” is like the dirtiest of dirty talk. I want it, and I want it now. Spring may be around the bend, but I certainly wouldn’t say it’s “sprung.” So until that happens, I’m still in need for some tender, falling-off-the-bone beefy goodness. Aw man, […]
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