All content found at PopArtichoke is ©Megg (PopArtichoke) 2010-2013
If you have ANY questions, doubts, or confusion concerning use of my material, please contact me first at popartichoke [AT] gmail [DOT] com.
PopArtichoke by Megg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
What does this mean?
If you want to use any of my work in any way, you must give full credit to me and must adhere to the conditons below.
“Giving full credit to me” means you must clearly print that the material is from PopArtichoke and/or Megg of PopArtichoke and you must clearly provide a link back to the specific URL on my site that the material is from. Proper attribution looks like this: “Recipe adapted from PopArtichoke.” Improper attribution (which is therefore in violation of my copyright) would be something like this: “I found this recipe here.” The link back to PopArtichoke must be a link that works, i.e. if you click on it, it brings you to my site; writing out the URL without a working link is not enough.
-Recipes: You may NOT republish my recipes in their entirety. You may copy ingredient lists (one cannot copyright a list of ingredients), but you may not use the directions in my recipes as I have written them. You may use recipes on the condition that you write, in your own words, the directions for the recipe (i.e. everything but the list of ingredients), and you MUST give full credit (see guidelines above for what “full credit” means). Use words like “adapted from PopArtichoke” or “inspired by PopArtichoke” when creating that working, usable link. This is the same way I credit people/blogs for recipes that I use in any way for my blog.
-Posts/Text: You may NOT republish any text from the posts and pages on PopArtichoke in their entirety. If you wish to reference any of my text, you may use quotes, but you MUST give full credit (see guidelines above for what “full credit” means) directly before, directly after, or within the same paragraph of the quote. It must be clear that the quoted text is from PopArtichoke. Again, the working URL must be to the specific URL (not just the homepage) that you found it on.
-Photos: All of my photos are hosted by Flickr and the same Creative Commons license is listed on each and every photo. If you wish to republish one of my photos, you MUST give full credit (see guidelines above for what “full credit” means). The attribution with the working link must be either directly above or below the photo. Make sure the attribution is clear (i.e. a clear, readable font, a font size that is the same or within 2 pts of the one used for the rest of the text on the page). Please also include the title of the photo along with “PopArtichoke” and/or “Megg of PopArtichoke” when giving attribution. IMPORTANT: The URL you link to when attributing the photo must be to the specific URL on PopArtichoke! When you grab a link to a photo through Flickr, it automatically links to the photo at Flickr. This is fine (and like I said, automatic) but make sure your caption/attribution links to the post of PopArtichoke with the photo, not the Flickr page. You do not have permission to alter my photos in any way, i.e. cropping them, reversing them, using them in black and white if they are color photos (and vice versa), etc.
None of the material found on PopArtichoke may be use for commercial purposes. This one should be pretty straightforward. It means you do NOT have permission to use any content of this site if you would in any way make money from it.
You may not alter, transform, or build upon any content from PopArtichoke. See specific conditions and guidelines for using photos, recipe, and text above for more clarification of what this entails.
Finally, if you have any questions at all about usage of my work or about the information listed above, by all means, please contact me. Again, my email (written in anti-spammer form) is popartichoke [AT] gmail [DOT] com.